View CMD History in Command Prompt/PowerShell [Comprehensive Guide]

Many Windows users face challenges viewing their CMD history on Command Prompt or on PowerShell. It can be frustrating when you need to recall previous commands. This guide allows you to enable and view cmd and powershell history with multiple solutions.

The Frustration of Losing Command History

Command Prompt (CMD) is a valuable tool for a wide range of tasks, from file management to system diagnostics. But here’s the problem: your CMD history is only accessible for the current session. As soon as you close the Command Prompt window, all your command history is gone, leaving you in a frustrating situation.

This limitation poses a real challenge, especially when you need to repeat a complex command or retrieve important information from a previous session.

Comprehensive Guide to Accessing CMD History

Technize has the solution you need! We’ve developed a step-by-step guide to help you effortlessly access and manage your CMD history in Command Prompt and PowerShell. Say goodbye to the frustration of losing valuable command history – here’s how to solve the problem.

Method 1: Check Windows CMD History Using the Keyboard

  1. Press Win + R to Open Run Dialog: Start by opening the Run dialog by pressing Win + R keys.
  2. Type ‘cmd’ and Hit Enter: In the Run dialog, type ‘cmd’ and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. Access Command History with F7: Inside the Command Prompt window, use the F7 key to view your command history – it’s that simple! You’ll see a list of commands you’ve previously entered.
  4. Navigate with Arrow Keys: With your command history displayed, you can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate through your previous commands.
  5. Exit Without Executing: If you want to exit the Command Prompt without running any command, simply press the Esc key.

Pro Tip: To clear the Command Prompt history for your current session, use Alt + F7.

Method 2: Check Windows CMD History Using Doskey

Doskey is another useful tool for managing command history. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Open the Command Prompt: Begin by opening the Command Prompt as described above.
  2. Use Doskey Command: Type the command doskey /history and press Enter. Your recently executed command lines will appear in the Command Prompt window.
  3. Navigate and Re-run Commands: Use the Up or Down arrow keys to select and run a command. You can also press Page Down to re-enter the last command from your current session history or Page Up to re-enter the first command.

Note: Windows will automatically clear the CMD history and start fresh when you restart your computer.

Bonus Tip: To save useful commands for future use, export the CMD history to a text file using the command doskey /HISTORY > history.txt. You’ll find the text file in your Windows Users folder.

Accessing CMD History in PowerShell

Don’t worry; we haven’t forgotten about PowerShell. Viewing command history in PowerShell is just as simple:

  1. Access PowerShell: Right-click the Start menu in the bottom left corner of your screen and select ‘Windows PowerShell.’
  2. Type ‘history’: In the pop-up window, type the ‘history’ command and press Enter.

Alternatively, you can use the Run box:

  1. Open the Run Box: Press Win + R keys to open the Run box.
  2. Navigate to History: Copy and paste the following command into the box and press Enter: %userprofile%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsPowerShellPSReadline

With these straightforward steps, you can access your command history in PowerShell with ease.

In conclusion, the frustration of losing command history in CMD and PowerShell is now a thing of the past. Technize has provided you with a problem-agitate-solve approach to seamlessly manage your CMD history. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of losing valuable command data and hello to an improved workflow.

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