Download Java 7 Update 10 Offline Installers

Oracle has released a new version of Java 7 Update 10. The direct download links to the offline installers are included at the end of this article.

While we were closing in on Java 8 for the cloud, a Java vulnerability was discovered which put millions of users at risk. Most of the experts advised to stop using Java where possible. But the fact of the matter is that millions of devices and applications are using Java and it can’t be shred without any huge compromise.

Oracle has been working on fixing the vulnerabilities and has finally released Java 7 Update 10. It is highly recommended that you upgrade to the latest version.

To see the latest version of Java installed on your computer, you will need to run javaw utility found in the folder where Java JRE is installed. For Windows 8 and JRE 7, the path is:

C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin


C:Program FilesJavajre7bin

An easier solution will be to search for ‘java’ under settings in Windows 8 (Windows Key + W). Select Java from the search results. This will open the Java control panel. Click on the About button in General tab.

Java Control Panel

The latest version is Version 7 Update 10. If you are running any version lower than this, you should upgrade. There are two ways to update Java. One is using the automatic update method and the other is to download the offline installer and run it manually.

For updating automatically, just open the Java control panel again and go to the Update tab. Click on the Update Now button to start downloading the latest version automatically.

Java Control Panel Update tab

Java Update available

Welcome to Java

Dowloading installer

Installing Java

Java 7 Update 10

Download Java 7 Update 10 Windows 32-bit

Download Java 7 Update 10 Windows 64-bit

Download Java 7 Update 10 Mac OS

If you do not want to install Java on your system, Java portable is also available for download. You can easily download Java 7 Update 10 portable edition and run any applications which require Java or JRE for their functioning.

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